Birdwell Lane
Church of Christ
Big Spring, TX

Congregational History
(This page is far from being completed)

Page Notes*

Narrative History

From a Church Directory from about 1972
   This congregation had its beginning in July, 1949 with approximately 37 members. Until October, 1949, it assembled for worship in the local V.F.W. Hall. In August, 1949 the property at East Fourth and Benton was purchased.
   The first services in this building was a gospel meeting conducted by Brother Reuben Stanley. Brother Herbert Love was the first minister to serve regularly with the congregation, having begun his work in September, 1949. In the spring of 1950, the first Vacation Bible School was conducted with an average daily attendance of 135.
   By 1951 the membership of the congregation had grown to 197, and in April elders and deacons were ordained. The first elders were Earl Plew and Walker Reed. The first deacons were Chester Burton, Aaron Damron, Oliver Hughes and Melvin Turner.
   While Brother T. H. Tarbet was minister at East Fourth and Benton, a fire was discovered during worship service on Sunday morning. The fire originated in the clothing storage room. Damages were confined to that area, with only smoke damage to the rest of the building.
   In March, 1951 the residence property at 813 West 17th Street was purchased. This property was sold not long afterward and another residence right next to the present church building on Eleventh Pl. was purchased; in turn this was sold off to make way for more parking space. The next residence property was the nice pink house just to the West of this at 1612 11th Pl. was purchased. This property was kept until 1965, at which time it was sold to the Bob Kisers and moved to Sand Springs. In January, 1965, while Bro. Richard Williams was minister, the present residence property at 1705 Kentucky Way was purchased.
   first gospel meeting at the Eleventh and Birdwell location in March, 1955.
   In November, 1968 a benevolent work was begun for the purpose of teaching the gospel to those children, who otherwise would not have this learning opportunity. A bus was purchased to be used in transporting the children to the Mt. Vernon Street property, where they were fed a Sunday noon meal. They were then transported to the church building for special Bible instruction. This program was in effect until December, 1970.
   The following men have served this congregation as local ministers: Herbert Love, T. H. Tarbet, Darrel Flint, F. F. Conley, James Watson, Lewis Garnett, Elbert Garretson, Richard Williams, Lloyd Cannon and Elbert Garretson again.

From a history prepared for the Howard County Historical Survey Committee in approximately 1976
   The congregation of the Church of Christ that meets at Eleventh Place and Birdwell Lane had its first worship services in the Old Birdwell Home on Goliad Street, which was at that time being used as the V.F.W. Hall. The time was July, 1949, and there were approximately 40 members at the outset; but there was a continual growth, the membership now totalling approximately 270 members.
   In September 1949 a building at the corner of East Fourth and Benton Streets was purchased, where the congregation worshipped until 1955, when it moved into the present location at Eleventh Place and Birdwell Lane.
   Brother Herbert Love was the first regular preacher; beginning his work in 1949. In April of 1951 two elders, Bothers Walker Reed and Earl Plew were ordained; also four deacons; Brothers Chester Burton, Aaron Damron, Oliver Hughes and Melvin Turner.
   Eleventh and Birdwell members have supported a mission work in Melbourne, Australia since 1955, terminating this work in 1975, and are now helping with partial support for congregations in two areas in the States where membership is of insufficient number to support a full-time preacher. Brother Elbert Garretson is working with the Palmdale, California church, while Brother Richard Williams is with the church in Sidney, Nebraska.
   Preachers who have served as full-time ministers for this congregation are: Herbert Love, Thomas H. Tarbet, Darrell Flynt, F. F. Conley, James Watson, Lewis Garnett, Elbert Garretson, Richard Williams, Lloyd Cannon and at the present time, Brother Eugene Cardinal, recently of Phoenix, Arizona is serving as regular minister. He resides at 1705 Kentucky Way, which was purchased by the congregation in January of 1965.
   Preachers who have been supported by this congregation to work in Australia are: Brothers Thomas H. Tarbet, Durward Lee, Felix Tarbet, A. L. Harbin, Jack Hardcastle and David Roper.
   Five elders serve in the oversight of the congregation: Brothers Walker Reed, Maurice Griffith, Chester Burton, Leon Davis and Bernard Young. Those serving as deacons at the present time are: Brothers James Balios, Ordis Walker and Bruce Griffith.
   Some of the early members of this congregation are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Plew, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brownrigg, Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davis, Mrs. Thelma Montgomery and Mrs. Marie Rowland.

From the "History of Congregation" in the 1979 directory
   Our congregation which now meets at Eleventh and Birdwell Lane began in July, 1949. The first assembly, with less than forty members, was in the local V.F.W. hall. Property was purchased in August, 1949 at East Fourth and Benton. The church began meeting at that location in October of that year. In 1955 the present meeting house was built.
   Through the years many dedicated Christians have added their talents and efforts to the progress of the congregation.
   Remembering the past with honor, it is to the present and future that we dedicate our efforts to the Lord's cause. Members seek to meet the spiritual needs of the present day residents of Big Spring and of the world.
   In this directory we see the pictures of members of a family: the church family meeting at Eleventh and Birdwell in Big Spring. May each of us be dedicated to upholding the honor of the One whose name we wear - Christ.
"Beloved, now we are children of God, and it is not yet made manifest what we shall be. We know that, if we shall be manifested, we shall see him even as he is. And every one that hath this hope set on him purifieth himself, even as he is pure."
   - 1 John 3:2-3
      In Christian Love,

From "History of the Birdwell Lane Church of Christ" from the 1985 church directory
   The congregation of the church of Christ which meets at Eleventh Place and Birdwell Lane had its beginning in July, 1949 with approximately 40 members. The congregation assembled for worship services at the local VFW hall until October 1949, when they moved to East Fourth and Benton streets. By 1951, the membership had grown to 197 and in 1955 they began meeting in the present location on Eleventh Place. The church purchased the residential property located at 1705 Kentucky Way in January, 1965.
   The first elders and deacons were ordained in April, 1951. Those serving as elders were Walker Reed and Earl Plew. Deacons were Chester Burton, Aaron Damron, Oliver Hughes and Melvin Turner. The first full time minister to serve the congregation was Herbert Love, who began his work in September, 1949. Other men who have served in this capacity are T. H. Tarbet, Darrell Flint, F. F. Conley, James Watson, Lewis Garnett, Elbert Garretson (twice), Richard Williams, Lloyd Cannon, Eugene Cardinal, Byron Corn, and currently, Billy Patton.
   The church at Eleventh and Birdwell currently supports missions in Trinidad, West Indies; China; Eastern Europe; Poughkeepsie, New York; Palmdale, California; and Sidney, Nebraska. Six children's homes also receive monthly support.
   Presently, three elders serve in the oversight of the congregation: J. L. Farris, Bruce Griffith and Robert Thompson. The deacons are: Robert Greene, David McWherter and Jerald Wilson. The congregation consists of approximately 220 members.
Time Line
When What
AD 30 The church belonging to Jesus Christ established on Pentecost, following His resurrection.
July, 1949 Our local congregation began and met at the old Birdwell home on Goliad Street which was being used as the VFW Hall.
August, 1949 Property at East Fourth and Benton was purchased
September, 1949 Brother Herbert Love became the first minister to serve regularly with the congregation
October, 1949 Congregation moved into the East Fourth and Benton property. The first services in this building was a gospel meeting conducted by Brother Reuben Stanley.
Spring, 1950 First Vacation Bible School
March, 1951 Residence property at 813 W 17th was purchased
April, 1951 First elders and deacons ordained:
Elders: Earl Plew & Walker Reed
Deacons: Chester Burton, Aaron Damron, Oliver Hughes & Melvin Turner
??????, ???? Thomas H. Tarbet hired as full time minister
??????, ???? Fire discovered during worship service.
??????, ???? Darrell Flint hired as full time minister
1955 Congregation moved to 11th & Birdwell
??????, ???? Darrell Flint teaches the first bible class offered at Howard College
1955 Began supporting mission work in Melbourne, Australia
1955 Thomas H. Tarbet begins preaching the gospel in Melbourne, Australia
March, 1955 First gospel meeting at 11th & Birdwell location was held
??????, ???? F. F. Conley hired as full time minister
??????, ???? Residence right next to 11th & Birdwell location was purchased
??????, ???? Residence was sold to make way for more parking
??????, ???? James Watson hired as full time minister
??????, ???? Lewis Garnett hired as full time minister
June, 1959 W. M. Townsend began working as custodian
September, 1961 Ronald Graham starts preaching in Melbourne, Australia
??????, ???? Elbert Garretson hired as full time minister
July, 1962 Felix Tarbet begins preaching the gospel in Melbourne, Australia
??????, ???? Residence right next to the last one at 1612 11th Pl. was purchased
June 16, 1964 Richard Williams hired as full time minister
January, 1965 Residence at 1705 Kentucky Way was purchased
??????, ???? Joe Snyder ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? Hubbard Heard ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? Marple Cutright ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? Ordis Walker ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? V. L. Bennett ordained as an elder
??????, ???? Walter Huse ordained as an elder
??????, ???? Maurice Griffith ordained as an elder
??????, ???? Chester Burton ordained as an elder
??????, ???? Leon Davis ordained as an elder
??????, ???? Lloyd Cannon hired as full time minister
November, 1968 A program to teach the gospel to children was started and continued until December, 1970
??????, ???? Byron Conway ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? Martha Conway hired as church secretary
??????, ???? Bernard Young ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? Elbert Garretson hired as full time minister (second time)
??????, ???? Bernard Young ordained as an elder
??????, ???? James Balios ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? Bruce Griffith ordained as a deacon
1975 Ended support of mission work in Melbourne, Australia
??????, ???? Neil Willoughby ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? Ronnie Witt ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? Eugene Cardinal hired as full time minister
??????, ???? Begin supporting a radio ministry in China
??????, ???? Robert Thompson ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? Bruce Griffith ordained as an elder
??????, ???? Al Long ordained as an elder
??????, ???? George Current ordained as an elder
??????, ???? J. L. Farris ordained as an elder
??????, ???? Orene McElrath hired as church secretary
??????, ???? Ann McCoy begins to do the church bulletin
??????, ???? Robert Greene ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? David McWherter ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? Ken Dorman ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? Jerald Wilson ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? Robert Thompson ordained as an elder
1979? Byron Corn hired as full time minister
??????, ???? Sherry Nance hired as church secretary
??????, ???? Willie McEndree ordained as a deacon
??????, ???? J. Green ordained as a deacon
1985? Billy Patton hired as full time minister
??????, ???? Carlos Payen hired as the minister to the Spanish congregation
June 1988 -
March 1996
Leslie Boone hired as the full time youth minister
??????, 1990 Jack Simons hired as full time minister
??????, ???? Abe Langston hired as the full time youth minister
??????, ???? Grady Teague ordained as an elder
??????, ???? Rodney Tedford hired as full time minister
??????, ???? Brandi Holguin hired as church secretary
??????, ???? Supporting Rodney Tedford at the Trinidad School of Preaching
??????, ???? Ralph Anderson hired as full time minister
??????, ???? Mary Ann Earnest hired as church secretary
??????, ???? Prison Ministry begun
September, 2001 The congregation goes on the web with the address
??????, 2002 Jason Hale hired as full time youth minister

* A Few Notes About This Page

   On the left side of this page are four histories that are fairly old. One from about 1972, another from late 1975 or early 1976, another from 1979 and another from 1985. As soon as we have more information compiled from the last 15 years, and dates to go with the time line entries that don't have them, we will have a new history on the left side of the page going from July, 1949 until the present.
   On the right side of this page is a time line that was constructed by taking events from the three histories on the left side and old church directories and putting them into more or less chronological order. The entries that have ?s in the date may or may not be, and probably won't be, in the correct order.
   I am depending on current and former members of our congregation to supply the missing information on this history page. If you have any information that provides dates for entries on the time line, or information about items not included yet, please let me know. This information could be in the form of newspaper clippings, old directories, old bulletins or from your memory.
   As information comes in and is updated into the time line I will keep this page updated. To see how it is coming or to see what else needs dates or clarifying please check back every now and then.
   You can either give me the information at church, drop it by the church office or email me.
   With everyone's help, we can complete this project and have a compiled history that we can look at and enjoy.

Thanks for any help,
Tony Claxton

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